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Radiance Dermatology -  - Cosmetic Dermatology

Radiance Dermatology

Cosmetic, Medical, and Surgical Dermatology located in Bethesda, MD

Microneedling, also called Collagen Induction Therapy, is an effective procedure that addresses acne scarring and pitting, injury and surgical scars, skin discoloration, mild rosacea, fine lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks. Skin needling is a safe and a controlled method of treatment, when performed by a licensed professional and it can benefit all skin types. Microneedling can be paired with PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatments for further enhancement of your skin. This treatment works by puncturing your skin with micro-needles, which causes micro-injury temporarily. This is perceived by the body to help initiate the healing process and deposition of new skin. This includes the stimulation and the release of growth factors that trigger the production of collagen and elastin thus helping with overall rejuvenation.