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Why Everyone is Raving About the Rejuvenating Effects of Microneedling With PRP

woman with microneedling

Do you wish there was a way to reduce hyperpigmentation, minimize wrinkles, and rejuvenate your skin? There is. It's called microneedling. And while this extraordinary treatment can do all of these things and more, there’s a way to supercharge it’s effects. It’s called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.

In this blog, Omolara Olowoyeye, MD, of Radiance Dermatology in Bethesda, Maryland, explains what microneedling is and how PRP therapy can boost its ability to rejuvenate skin.

What’s microneedling? 

In short, microneedling causes microinjuries in your skin. Your skin then responds by producing  collagen and elastin as part of the healing process. Collagen and elastin — which decline in production with age — are crucial building blocks that help make skin plump and firm.

To perform microneedling, Dr. Olowoyeye applies a handheld device to your skin that has rows of tiny needles. Once applied, these needles make tiny pricks in your skin. As your skin heals, your body ramps up production of collagen and elastin to help rejuvenate your skin.

Microneedling is often used on the face and neck, but there are other areas of the body for which microneedling can be used. For instance, if you’ve been dealing with pesky stretch marks on your hips, thighs, or chest, microneedling can break down the overstretched skin and allow smoother skin to emerge. 

What’s PRP?

Your blood contains many ingredients, one of which is platelets. Platelets contain growth factors that help in the healing process. With PRP therapy, some of your platelets are harvested and placed into areas of your body to speed healing. 

To harvest the PRP, Dr. Olowoyeye draws some of your blood, typically 1-2 ounces. After drawing your blood, she places it in a specialized machine to separate the platelets from the rest of your blood’s components.

Once Dr. Olowoyeye finishes your microneedling treatment, she places the PRP serum onto your micro-injuries to enhance the effects of the microneedling treatment and spur healing and rejuvenation.

Also note that PRP injections separately can be used for a variety of other concerns such as hair loss, thicker hair, stretch marks, scars, increased libido, increased sexual pleasure, vaginal rejuvenation, male genital enhancements, and overall sexual wellness. If you have any of these concerns, definitely be sure to book a consultation to further discuss how PRP injections can significantly help.

Am I a candidate for treatment?

We’d love to offer any of our services to all of our current and soon-to-be patients. However, there are restrictions on some of the procedures we offer. For example, we can’t use PRP therapy to treat pregnant women or women who are planning to become pregnant.

No matter your situation, Dr. Olowoyeye will give you a thorough evaluation and explain your options for treatment. Microneedling sessions last approximately 30 minutes, and Dr. Olowoyeye uses a topical anesthetic prior to treatment, so you should remain comfortable throughout your visit.

If you aren’t happy with what you see in the mirror, microneedling with PRP therapy may be able to give you the fresh look you desire. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Radiance Dermatology today.

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