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Blog Archive

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin Feb 1st, 2022

Double chins have a tendency to stick around, even after they’ve been politely asked to “leave” through a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. If you have a double chin, that extra pocket of resistant fat is probably at least partly due to your genetics. However, you don’t have to...

What Can a Chemical Peel Do for My Skin? Jan 10th, 2022

Chemical peels are simple, relaxing, cost-effective treatments that not only make your skin look better but actually improve the quality of your skin over time. Chemical peels are acids that are available in different formulations that treat a variety of skin conditions. You can also use chemical peels as part...

What's Causing My Hives? Dec 9th, 2021

Hives appear as a red rash or welts anywhere on your body. If you’re having an attack of hives, the welts may appear in one area one day and another area on another day.  Though hives usually resolve on their own within a day or so, they can be itchy...

Help for Your Dry Skin Nov 9th, 2021

Dry skin is more than the taut, itchy feeling of skin that lacks moisture. Dry skin is skin that isn’t functioning the way it should to act as a barrier between your internal organs and the stressors and toxins in the world. At Radiance Dermatology in Bethesda, Maryland, your healthy...

Does My Mole Need to Be Removed? Oct 15th, 2021

Moles, also called nevi, are plentiful in most women, men, and kids. In fact, the average adult has anywhere from 10-40 moles dispersed throughout their face and body.  Moles are simply clusters of highly pigmented cells and are usually normal. Whether they’re flat or raised, a mole that doesn’t change...

Treating Common Skin Issues Among Patients of Color Sep 15th, 2021

As a person of color (POC), you’re proud of your richly pigmented skin and grateful that you burn less easily than fairer types. However, you may have unique frustrations that sometimes accompany people whose skin tone ranges from 4-6 on the Fitzpatrick scale, including skin that’s more easily and visibly...

Losing Facial Volume? Here's How to Look Younger With Dermal Fillers Aug 19th, 2021

Beautiful, youthful, uplifted skin is no accident. When we’re young, our skin is supported by plentiful and strong strands of the protein collagen. Collagen forms the matrix of our skin, while another protein, elastin, keeps it pliable and elastic. As we age, however, our bodies stop producing enough collagen and...

Why Everyone is Raving About the Rejuvenating Effects of Microneedling With PRP Jul 1st, 2021

Do you wish there was a way to reduce hyperpigmentation, minimize wrinkles, and rejuvenate your skin? There is. It's called microneedling. And while this extraordinary treatment can do all of these things and more, there’s a way to supercharge it’s effects. It’s called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. In this blog,...